Page 30 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 30
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 4, 15th January 2021
process of situating the self in the world around choice through an awakening, learning or
oneself in search of purpose and goals. It is an knowing, or through the enfoldment of our
announcement, made periodically, of who one intelligence and discernment. As wisdom
is and what one can become. It is that finite, grows, selfishness yields place to selflessness
local, changing self that performs, which is and egoism to universality and non-dualistic
constantly in a state of flux and agitation. It oneness (8).”
is driven with purpose and achievement. It is
an expression of the self in the world around In the Realm of Super-Conscient Activity
and a manifestation of the potential in the and Stillness, the consciousness is now ready
being. The Becoming is the story where the to engage and undertake the journey of
unfolding of consciousness has the possibility connecting the Becoming with the Being,
to change track — to descend, remain the the real Self. The Being is beyond the
same or ascend to higher echelons. The self Becoming (which operates in the outer
has an awareness, a state of realisation of world of manifestation bound by nature).
possibilities to transform from its current The process of identifying with the Being is
imperfections and limitations into perfection usually through a process of negation (Neti,
and limitlessness. Becoming is a journey, a Neti: Not this, not this). This process of
step along a path, a means of evolving, a way distillation reveals the pure Self, the Truth.
to reach continuously to a better version of The Self, defined thus is other than the gross,
the self. subtle and causal bodies, beyond the five
sheaths, the witness of the three states of
This can be explained thus: consciousness. After distillation, what remains
then is the Self which by nature is Saccidananda
“Initially, all intelligent life forms are motivated (Existence, Consciousness, Bliss). This Self
by selfish desires and natural urges to live cannot be negated under any conditions
for themselves or for their groups. These (defined as the limitations of time, space and
tendencies reach their culmination in humans, objects). Knowing the true nature of the Self
who are inherently selfish and naturally means to be free from all the limitations of
inclined to live for themselves even at the all conditioning — that is infinite, bliss. This
expense of others. As a human being, if you Being is the unchanging essence, the ground
want to be altruistic, benevolent or selfless, of our existence, that which just IS. The Being
you have to make a conscious and intentional is the core, the energy source, the seat of the
effort to rise above your basic instinct to be bliss consciousness, it is the oneness of the
selfish or egoistic. The effort is not easy, nor universe.The realisation of potentiality is
always successful. Fortunately, Nature has complete, integrated, whole.
given us a choice to use our intelligence and
exercise our will according to our discretion, The evolutionary journey through the realms
knowledge and wisdom. Depending upon brings out that all objects and beings cannot
the circumstances, we can exercise our will but evolve. There is a choice to either be
and resolve to be different and selfless, other bound to the forces of prakrrti or to break
than what Nature intends us to be at the free from the limitations of prakrrti (nature)
most primitive level. We may come to that to accelerate the evolution process. From