Page 25 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 25
Namah The nature of higher life
with his inner self and he is forced to journey lower vital and shows the way to higher life.
further into the inner recesses to reach the
spiritual source of all existence. This triune function of mind has a similarity
with the nature of the replication of chromo-
Effortful living is common for both lower somes, resulting in the recycling of proteins
and higher life. But higher life, unlike the and the effective maintenance of the humoral
dualistic mode of lower life, rests upon the system. The transcription of DNA indicates
triune of memories (smrrti) of successes and the arousal of memory of the cells in creating
failures, analysis (viveka) of these memories new proteins. Translation of these memory
and of each upheaval that is about to come, strings by ribosomal RNA involves matching
and the right discrimination (buddhi) of the them with appropriate amino acids and this
line of action that is to be followed. Thus, process has a resemblance of the analytical
each cycle is an event that starts as action behaviour of the cellular apparatus that finds
and culminates into an appropriate thought appropriate amino acids that match with the
that governs the action. But linking the action shape of the protein to be built. Post-translational
with the appropriate thought, the crucial act modification of these half-perfect proteins
of buddhi, is achieved more by accident or mimics the filtering process of buddhi at a
providence than by individual effort. cellular level and happens by a synchronistic
process between messenger RNA, transfer
Smrrti or memory, a faculty of the mind, RNA and the parent chromosomes. This helps
like all other faculties of a being, is at once in fine-tuning the shape of proteins and only
individual and cosmic. In its origins, it occurs then are the newly created proteins absorbed
like a flash which is erased in no time but into the humoral system. This is only an aspect
when it leaves its imprint on the citta, the of the simulation that exists between the cellular
deep-seat of the heart where all vital emotions and body level behaviours and there are so
find free play, it lingers for a while before it many differences too between these two levels
fades out. Viveka or analysis is that part of the that the study of these similarities has to be
mind which collects all these memories, plays taken up more thoroughly to prove the adage
with them back and forth and puts them in that microcosmos resembles macrocosmos.
order and synthesises new thoughts by linking
and delinking the gathered memories. Buddhi The exercise of higher life has the inherent
or discrimination is an inherent part of the advantage of coming into tune with higher
mind as its function is linked with thoughts and higher ranges of mind, where thought
and thinking but owing to its superiority in organises life and provides moulds to live
function, it is considered independent and in. Effort always results in either success or
superior to mind by some schools of yoga. failure. But both have a lesson to teach. Lower
The role of buddhi is to filter thoughts that are life with its animalistic arrogance does not
not in coherence with at least three sensory care to learn. It is this instinctual tendency to
inputs and allow only those thoughts that are learn that differentiates higher life from lower
in coherence with three or more faculties of life. Once instigated, this instinct to learn
sense. Thus is the cycle of thought and action differentiates man from the animal within
formed and this cycle breaks the knots of the and pushes him out of the wheel of a lower