Page 31 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 31
Namah The two paths
This begins to start falling apart when we All this makes it difficult to predict the course
enter the life-sciences. We enter a new of any event taking place within us, be it an
field where physical forces alone do not illness or an accident. Since the whole human
determine events. By following the method system is interconnected it is but natural
of physical science, we can understand a that our mental and psychological processes
lot of processes taking place within the must have some kind of effect upon the
body chemistry, physiology that studies body. The mistake however that has been
the functions of tissues and organs as far made by the outward-going approach and
as chemical processes go, and the physical digging into matter by physical science
anatomy of physical structures. Yet our (though valid to an extent in the purely
understanding begins to enter a larger field physical field) is that we have come to believe
of unpredictability since new subjective that it is physical processes that govern our
elements have begun to enter our material lives so completely that we have no real say
world and its physical processes. It is in the matter of our own body.
intent. It is this that behaviourists try to
study and understand, building a lot of While it cannot be denied that our present
theories about intent of an animal or a bird. physical functioning does tend to limit
Its inadequacy can be understood simply by certain possibilities, just as the make of
asking whether we can predict whether a a car limits its speed to an extent or the
crow will fly or not and if so, then when and hardware of a computer limits the extent
in what direction. to which it can support certain software.
Yet if we understand that this limitation
Here we see that the body processes, the is not real or final and that even within
physiology and chemistry, begin to be these limits there is much that we can do
determined by intent. If an animal intends and achieve by simply reversing the way
to fight then one set of processes gets we look at things, then we shall be able to
activated. If instead it decides to flee then override, to whatever extent, the limitations
another set of processes are spurred. A new of the body. It is just a question of habit,
element that begins to determine material developed because of the way evolution
and biological processes begins to appear happens. The past persists for some time,
with far-reaching consequences, especially seemingly making the new element or
for human beings. This is so because unlike possibility subordinated to the old way. It
animals, where intents themselves follow a is this that creates link intermediary species
pattern and habit, human beings bring in where the evolutionary potential is yet to
even more complex elements that make it unfold.
near impossible to study intent.
The link and the transition
The inner road
We believe that human beings have been
In fact, something new begins to emerge passing through this transition for a long time.
with man. It is conscious will and thought, We ourselves are some kind of link species,
deliberation and reflection, faith and aspiration. intermediary beings of transition. Our animal