Page 28 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 28
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2022
concrete sense of duality between itself and sometimes the aspect of perfection. In
and the outer world-nature. Though ego ephemeral existence, war of values ensues
always encourages this competitive and as both growth and perfection are randomly
dualist behaviour, the person often fails supported by the cosmic movements and they
and retreats on many levels to meet the miss the tune of manifestation. Ephemeral
expectations of this competition owing existence is filled with imperfections and
to his own inability or because of adverse measures of correction like pain, defeat and
circumstances that prevail in the group he death become a necessary evil for every soul
lives. This retreating behaviour saves the to shape itself into perfection. Thus both
person from total damage and teaches him rakssasic and daivic modes of personalities
to adjust to the society around. Each desire are justified and considered positive in the
is put a check in the name of an ideal and cosmic scheme of creation and belong to the
the realm of ideals supercedes the realm mode of higher life, because both of them
of desires in the course of time. have legitimate roles in the cosmic creation.
As life moves to higher spheres touching the
7. Personality works upon expectations and indestructible cosmic rhythms, personality
disappointments just as ego works upon assumes a positive and affirmative role,
hunger and satiety. Thus the personality is be it a rakssasic personality dominated by
the vice-regent to the ego as long as it does desires or a daivic personality aiming for
not adopt the behaviour of acceptance, a mastery over things or self-mastery. A
feeling much higher when compared to positive personality thus begins to master
its two other dualistic inferior modes and the movements of ego and use it as the
an emotional equivalent of contentment. sublimative fuel for the upward journey. It
Desires and ideals are the two standards forces the ego to accept the society around
between which the personality struggles and adopts a ‘give and take’ approach. It
to win or lose the opportunity. Desires tries to strike harmony between itself and
are the ego’s unswerving demands from the society, the determinative quotient of
life and ideals are the mind`s gauge over the external world.
the ego’s desires. The higher life may tilt 8. Even this sense of harmony occurs in phases.
its balance towards vital demands than The first phase is mere forbearance, though
mental ideals and then the personality sometimes a calm forbearance (titikssa). A
turns to be raakssasic. On the other hand, gradual detachment from the six sinister
a daivic personality is dominated in its emotions becomes possible hereafter and
behaviour by the idealistic mind which dispassion (udaasinataa) also becomes a
brings sattvic (balanced approach) correction natural state of mind. Thankfulness and
to raksasic dynamism. obedience (namas) of the mind to a higher
force is the third attribute that is added
Desires are the offsprings of the cosmic urge to the personality. There appears on the
for random but effective growth, whereas horizon of growth a phenomenon more
ideals are the outcomes of giving a perfect natural and efficient that grows without
shape to that cosmic urge. The cosmic scheme effort and all individual growth is the
sometimes supports the growth aspect of it reflection of this universal phenomenon of