Page 29 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 29
Namah The nature of higher life
growth. It is by growing into resonance with being to which both the ego and personality
this universal phenomenon and striking deny their acceptance. Here the belief-system
an inner balance with this phenomenon like religion or the self-learning nature of the
that all growth becomes sustainable. mind, which laboriously gathers sensory
knowledge from around, stand as obstacles
9. As the personality peeps into these inner for inner learning and surpassing them is a
recesses, the six sinister emotions tend major and first step.
to become weak and begin to transform
themselves into their positive counterparts. The issue of the second phase of growth is
But for this gentle movement of inner to ease itself out of this mental struggle and
realisation to happen, the ego has to forego aim at the perfection of the three faculties
and dissociate from the personality, the of the mind — memory (smrrti), analysis
mental formation that has been helpful (viveka) and discrimination(buddhi) and
for the ego by supporting its movements, master the ten conduits of life-energy
by protecting it from dangers, by making — the motor and sensory functions —
fruitful associations, by fuelling its motives locomotion, ingestion, egestion, speech,
and by strengthening its ground. procreation and olfaction, taste, vision,
hearing, and touch respectively.
10. The formation of personality is a rather
automatic process of accretion chiefly
determined by the spatio-temporal
limitations of the society around than by a
harmonious interplay between the ego and
the larger world which comprises primitive
plant and animal life. The personality is
habituated to talk to its immediate next
personalities and apply modesty in
‘give and take’ phenomena, but its mind
cannot communicate with the larger nature
around and adopt the policy of endless giving At the end of the higher life, one is ready
amounting to a complete sacrifice, the patent to enter the door-step of spirituality which
process of permanence which all cosmic one might be already following as a set of
rhythms follow. Thus personality becomes religious beliefs or fall back to the lower
a hindrance to its own goal of achieving life once again if the basic structure of
permanence. To forego personality and reach the edifice is yet to be corrected and
impersonality is the next goal set before the strengthened.
Dr. Venkatesh Palla, a member of SAIIIHR, is a practising homoeopathic physician at Bhimavaram,
Andhra Pradesh, India.