Page 27 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 27
Namah The nature of higher life
along with the growth of his stature in the people have a greater scope to live rather
society. The ego makes him feel that he and than the people with limited talents.
the world he lives in are two different and Institutions of life based on man’s thinking
unrelated movements and urges him to faculties like education, administration,
struggle against the world and grow up to essential services and industry, etc. serve
a stature that is equivalent to the world or as practical means to support this growth
surpasses the world. Once his ego becomes of higher life out of its lower stumblings.
more powerful than the world, even to All our talents are soul-gifts to which
a partial extent, this struggle is often we may be connected accidentally for
automatically directed towards the internal strange reasons but they can be made our
environment as the fundamental cause permanent accompaniments if we tune
for this struggle lies within and that is the into our intuitive faculties, which operate
reluctance of the ego to die. Gradually the when our limited egoistic nature grows
person, with the help of his mind, learns harmonious with the larger world-nature
where to let his ego flow around and where around.
to curtail its movements. When this control
over the ego increases, the person is said 5. But the higher life is busy with the question of
to have developed a personality, the mental self-affirmation rather than soul-affirmation.
coat over one`s ego and its movements. It speedily cuts across the egos around
In its definition, the personality is the to reach its position and affirms its seat
accumulation of all the retreating memories by a connivance mixed with friendliness,
of ego, counterbalanced by the memories superiority and necessity than following
of competitive excellence. Though the the soul-inclination and creating free
word ‘ego’ is interchangeably used for the space for itself and the egos around. In
personality, the substance of personality is this eagerness to grow, it overlooks the
a mental admixture of do’s and don’ts in lower life around or ignores it or learns
reference to the particular society in which to tactically avoid it. But the lower life
the person lives, in contrast to the ego is never at rest and acts with vengeance
whose stance lies in a cyclical expression against the growth of the higher life and
of six sinister emotions irrespective of time pulls it down into an abyss.
and space.
6. At the end, the ego overpowered by desires,
4. As a person grows in his stature in society, fails or dies inevitably as Mother Nature
he develops friends and foes around him. thrives on harmonious alliances and not
By making associations that allow it to rise atrocious autocracies. The ego affirms
in power, the person tries to overpower the the individual existence by an urge to
world each time it gets such an opportunity. grow overpoweringly large through the
Culturally, this is reflected in the migration agency of six sinister emotions. It places
of men out of their aboriginal life to larger the person ahead against the backdrop
towns and cities where lifestyles are of a group of persons, be it a society
interwoven between people based upon with mixed inheritance or a family with
their personal talents and multi-talented similar inheritance and establishes a