Page 21 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 21

Namah                                                To Touch Matter

        Some of the ways in which practitioners  some colours or feel some energy. We may
        of Integral Yoga are exploring to touch the  also feel some sensations like contraction,
        matter of their body are through:        expansion, tingling, pain, joy, pleasure,
                                                 freedom or some movements. With more
        •  Natural breath                        awareness we can detect the light present
        •  Awareness with inner senses           within our body, some parts will have
        •  Discovering the pure matter at depth  more and some parts less. We could detect
        •  Experiencing cells touching each other  qualities like power, joy, delight, beauty,
        •  Connecting to our subtle physical     love, silence, etc. Both on the surface or the
        •  Connecting to the subtle physical of Masters  depth of any body part, we would get some
                                                 pulsations and vibrations. Through these
        We will begin to explore these methods in  methods we get familiar with the body and
        this article and continue deeper in future  its inner terrains.
                                                 Yet we may miss actually connecting with
        The subtle physical is the realm near matter  the substance of matter. To discover and
        that is far more fluid and responsive to the  actually touch matter we need to also learn
        Divine touch. Whatever Divine qualities are  to shift our awareness into the substance part
        soaked within the subtle physical, it then  of our body. We may perhaps need to keep
        shares its qualities and substance to the  reminding ourselves that it is in the matter
        physical matter. The subtle physical is both  that the Divine is descending into directly,
        within our bodies and around it, in the world  perhaps because matter can hold the Divine
        of matter in the world and in the depth of  the best. We will explore how to tune into this
        substance of our earth too.              process through some short inner practices
                                                 in this article. This can support us to become
        What is matter?                          receptive instruments of the New Creation.

        “It is MATTER BECOMING THE DIVINE……      We need to train ourselves, as in our body
        It is the result of the descent of the supramental  awareness many of us miss bringing attention
        substance into Matter. Only this substance —  to the substance part of our body. Any part of
        what it has put into physical Matter — could  the body and its flesh and organs has matter.
        have made it possible. It is a new ferment.  The cells have a mass and volume, which
        From the material standpoint, it removes from  gives weight to the body. This is what we
        physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its  are referring to as the matter of our body.
        unconsciousness, and from the psychological  When we touch a stone, it feels different
        standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood (2).”  from touching water. A stone is more solid
                                                 and we can feel its matter even with our
        We need to train ourselves to detect matter  hands if we learn to actually connect in a
        and touch it within our body. When we place  very material way with the stone. When we
        our awareness within a body part we see what  place our fingers within water we can feel
        is present there with our inner vision. Some  its flow. If we flip into the substance part
        images will pop up on its own. We may see  there will be a substance dimension to the

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