Page 22 - NAMAH-Apr-2023
P. 22

Namah                                    Vol. 31, Issue 1, 24th April 2023

        water too. If we are really aware, in air too  the Mother’s sharing it is now easier for
        there is a substance component, which is  matter to receive the Divine.
        why sometimes the breeze feels dense and
        sometimes light.

        When we move our awareness within our
        body, we need to learn to move our awareness
        into the mass or volume or weight of the cells.
        Even if we relax our body a bit we will feel
        a certain weight of the body’s substance.
        Sometimes when people do yoga the lightness
        part of the body is emphasised. The weight
        or density of the body too is to be honoured,
        to be able to touch matter and perhaps start
        feeling its divinity. The inner practice here
        is to move into the body and feel or see its
        mass, density, weight or substance. We can
        then discover a few practices that we can do,
        seated within the substance of our body that  We are reminded again by Her quote:
        will support us to discover its divinity.
                                                 “It means that the supreme height touches
        If still our mind is curious as to why do we  the most material matter, without any
        need to explore matter to touch its divinity,  intermediary (4).”
        we can read the quote below of The Mother
        for our mind to chew on:                 It would be now easier to access the Divine
                                                 in matter’s depth within our body and also
        “It is likely that the greatest resistance will  in the core of the sacred earth. The ease of
        be in the most conscious beings due to a  how this could emerge for all of us is perhaps
        lack of mental receptivity, due to the mind  due to the work that the Masters did in their
        itself which wants things to continue (as Sri  physical body, are continuing to do in their
        Aurobindo has written) according to its own  subtle physical realm and a few others who
        mode of ignorance. So-called inert matter is  are working this out in their own body in
        much more easily responsive, much more  current times.
        — it does not resist (3).”
                                                 When we read descriptions of Mother’s
        Matter is a Source                       and Sri Aurobindo’s work on their body,
                                                 they become pointers of light for us. At
        While we connect to the Divine in the  the same time, we should not think that
        heights of the Above or within the Cave of  the transformation would happen exactly
        our Hearts, it is now perhaps possible to  as has been written or that the body’s
        connect to the Divine in the depth of each  transformation could be difficult for us as it
        cell of our body. From what we learn from  was for the pioneers. Much more work on

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