Page 33 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 33

Namah                             Transforming the Spirit of Competition

        fittest’, which might also stem from our more  you have never known before. But gradually
        insecure evolutionary beginnings, but the  we become conscious of an ‘Unseen Hand’
        dynamics of the world today have inflated  that uplifts and sustains us and eventually we
        it into something much more grotesque. If  are carried.  The guidance and the assistance
        you intend changing it, be prepared for a  grow as our faith and surrender deepen. The
        titanic struggle. You’ll have to push against  impossible somehow becomes possible.
        the weight of virtually all humanity. You’ll
        have to swim against an enormous current.
        We cannot flinch from the Asura.

        It is the individual who is the key to annulling
        this force. It is always so, whatever has to
        be transformed. The problem can only be
        addressed first at the micro level. We have
        to change ourselves. It is the only hope for
        society. The more who sincerely engage in
        it, the quicker and less dolorous the process
        overall will be. It is willed; it will happen.
        Everyone is presented with the choice. More  We embody something much greater than
        of humanity needs to wake up. Collaboration  our frontal appearance. We embody a soul
        is the only means to a meaningful life.   which is one with everything around and
                                                 one with the Mother. There is nothing but
        So, we have to work on ourselves. It amounts  this Oneness. This Oneness needs to be
        to so much more than personal salvation:  tangibly experienced and realised. As you go
        the work has cosmic consequences. We do  through the day, start looking at everything
        it exclusively to align to the divine Will.  and everyone as only a part of this Oneness.
        Once we surrender to this Will, the burden  Say to yourself, ‘This too, is That’. Repeat it
        spontaneously lifts. We are not alone. There is  throughout the day. Allow the words to sink
        an infinite creative Force that can be accessed.  into your consciousness. Experience the shift.
        This is how we become true vehicles for  This realisation will change your life.  What
        change. If you have a relationship with the  is there to compete against when everything
        Mother, nurture it and always live in her  is only That? Indeed, we too are That. Why
        Presence. With Her by our side, victory is  the need to fear? What have we to desire?
        certain.                                 What have we to claim as ‘our own’?  We
                                                 learn that we are incapable of any possession.
        Indeed, we are much more than conditioned  It is this fact that can carry us through our
        animals if we take the trouble to find out.  everyday life.  It is more than a choice; it is a
        Are you prepared to do this? Try it, because  truth that can be lived every moment of our
        it will ultimately make your life a whole lot  life. It is the true panacea for living.  Our very
        easier. However, we don’t do this to create an  atmosphere will change. We have to carry a
        ‘easy life’ for ourselves. Furthermore, once we  Light through all the debris we know as the
        make this choice, difficulties will come like  world today and cling to this torch always.

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