Page 35 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 35
Namah Transforming the Spirit of Competition
have become a part of Her.
Step Back and Practise
Step back for a moment and observe all your
inner movements. Be as disinterested as
possible and keep your poise above the play.
Practise the art of vigilance and discernment
in watching and anticipating where all these
movements are leading to. This can be done
all the time. The practice doesn’t have to be
colliding and competing with one another! restricted to fixed sittings. Obviously, there
We have to practise and resolve our nature will be periods of greater intensity, but really,
first. Society only reflects this microcosm. in Integral Yoga there should be no pauses
We have become a chosen vessel for change. and we must always aim to be attentive
By standing up, you have been chosen! What and awake. As you observe your inner
society thinks and does is no longer your movements, watch them as they come to the
look-out, the priority now is to change. surface and manifest as our outer actions or
True collective change begins with each reactions. As they seek expression, as they
individual. Let the practice evolve in your appear and just as they are on the point of
being. Be receptive to the Higher Force prompting any kind of reaction, ‘catch’ them
and follow its guidelines. We might even with the light of your consciousness. It’s a
visualise our struggling cells and open them spontaneous and simultaneous process. Do
to the Divine Force. Whatever practice our not judge or discriminate between ‘good’ and
True Nature offers, we must undertake with ‘bad’, between your negativities and virtues.
love and persistence. To feel the Presence of Everything is but a mixture after all. Catch
the Mother always is perhaps the greatest everything that shows its face.
and safest practice we can pursue. Once we
feel her Presence, we can easily recognise To manage this, you need to hold some
those signals when we are not acting in connection in the first place. There must be
consonance with her Will. These signs are some inner thread that links your awareness
unmistakeable. When they come, you must to your Truth inside. Nurture it: This is
heed them. To continuously ignore or even your lifeline. Go back to it repeatedly. It
override them, amounts to a spiritual suicide.
You are treading a dangerous path and the
only safeguard is to hold onto her Presence.
Continually and sincerely offering our
love to the Mother is the only shortcut in
integral Yoga, because with transformation
everything must change. Really, you will
to realise that you no longer have a choice,
because the alternative is unbearable. You