Page 34 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 34

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        Above all, we have to discover the joy that  buried beneath the camouflage and folds of
        always accompanies this divine Task. We  our instrumental nature. Truly, it is all that
        identify with this Fire for progress. We can  we are.
        walk the ‘Sunlit Path’, whatever might be the
        mess that surrounds us.                  Armed with this being, we work on our
                                                 nature. What particular part in us manifests
                                                 the divisive power? Once we recognise this
                                                 influence (commonly known as ‘ego’), we can
                                                 set about working upon it and disabling it. To
                                                 do this, we need to purify our consciousness
                                                 and remove every taint in our being. With
                                                 persistence, this work becomes an invitation
                                                 for the psychic being to step forward and
                                                 increasingly its influence becomes more
        Individual Work
                                                 Gradually, over time, the consciousness
        We have to detach and realise this urge to  enlarges and becomes more capable of bringing
        compete for what it is. For that, we have  a radical change. We use it in the same way
        to align to something more sublime and  as a torch to investigate inside the obscurity
        permanent in our being. Only then will  of our nature. Observe everything in your
        realisation come. Our practice inevitably  nature. Don’t judge; just enquire. Keep your
        begins by searching for handles and latching  station above and stay as disinterested as
        onto the noblest side of our nature. This  possible. Consciousness (Chit) is aligned to
        procedure is by no means infallible, but it  (SSakti) Force and it will resolve everything
        is a start. We have to grope in the dark. We  it observes. Just let its light radiate over
        search for compatibility. We use some lever to  everything you survey. It is the Light of
        orient our attention inside and as we enquire  Knowledge. It is here that it will come across
        into our nature, we become aware of a greater  this particular distortion and urge. We place
        and deeper stillness that sits apart from the  the light of the consciousness on everything
        play. We will notice the urge coming and  it sees. When it shines upon something,
        going. Something in us just watches.  This  this knowledge penetrates and a solution
        Witness provides a door to peek further inside  automatically appears. From that point, we
        and it is here that we begin to feel a faint  need to hold onto and sincerely live the truth
        contact with the psychic influence. Once you  that it brings. We continuously bombard the
        feel this presence, nurture it. We must align  ego with light, onto the ultimate shadow that
        every aspect of ourselves to it, because this  resides inside. We apply the presence of the
        entity is the psychic being, the master-key  consciousness. We have to become the Light
        to our transformation. This ‘Divine Person’  that we truly are, one that had been buried
        is our evolving soul, the eternal being who  beneath all our inherited conditionings.
        has presided over our countless lifetimes. It
        has always been with us, but has long been  Look at all those unruly parts of our being

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