Page 38 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 38

Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        work-in-progress, still evolving, and have a  Today, we are far from what is described
        long way to go before they have knowledge  here; on the contrary, we have become form
        that is true and complete. Apart from the  (outer) centric and have lost touch with the
        collective evolution of the human race, each  essence (core). There is no doubt that opening
        individual can have an aspiration that can  the doors of our lives to technology has made
        bring her always a little closer to the Truth  our living conditions better, but has it made
        each day. Reflecting on questions such as,  our lives any easier? The physical comfort of
        ‘Where did I go wrong’ is both a sign of the  ordering one machine to start another (Alexa,
        aspiration and the means of moving closer  switch on the lights, please) can be a boon
        to the realisation of the aspiration.    to a person with a physical disability but a
                                                 bane to the mental and emotional health of
        Now, when we examine the role of technology  a physically healthy individual. Imagine a
        in the life of human beings, we see that the  young college-going student or an old retired
        need to make our lives better turned into a  person sitting on the couch with a device in
        greed of having it all, completely ignores  her hand, scrolling through the vast sea of
        the possibility of destruction and unforeseen  information coming from all sides of the world
        outcomes that it might bring about. Again,  and wondering about life. In no time, the
        the core remains the same — Ignorance.  device maps the search patterns and produces
        What we understand today as knowledge  information that aligns with the initial search
        is nothing but an information-overload, far  and the person is forever drowned in the
        from the wisdom required to live a conscious  ocean of information and loses touch with her
        life. Turning towards the ancient scriptural  reality. The worst is when owning technology
        wisdom tells us what true knowledge is, as  is not a sign of ‘making life functional for
        Sri Aurobindo wrote :                    the needy’ but a status symbol for humanity
                                                 gripped by ignorance. The initial intention
        “For the individual to arrive at the divine  behind any material development might be
        universality and supreme infinity, live in it,  to make the form flexible and reachable, and
        possess it, to be, know, feel and express that one  to possess the potential to express what
        in all his being, consciousness, energy, delight  is needed for collective development. But
        of being is what the ancient seers of the Veda  what has happened over time is that we
        meant by the Knowledge (1).”             have forgotten the reason why we started
                                                 creating technology in the first place, and
                                                 we have become completely entangled in
                                                 the facilities it provides. The result has been
                                                 that technology has hijacked the basic needs
                                                 and goals of human existence, creating an
                                                 illusion of progress that impedes inner
                                                 growth by keeping us entangled in the
                                                 limited play of the surface being. The danger
                                                 lies with the tools that have the capacity to
                                                 self-educate itself based on the patterns of
                                                 human behaviour unravelled by the system,

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