Page 51 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 51

Namah                   From Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution...

        of separateness. This realisation allows us  thoughts, emotions, actions and physical
        to surrender fully to the Divine Will and  life. It requires individuals to consciously
        participate actively in our own transformation.  align their inner self with their highest divine
                                                 potential, allowing their lives to become a
        Conscious Evolution: Evolution by Choice,  dynamic expression of the Divine.
        not by Chance!
                                                 For this transformation to occur, the seeker
        The Path to Divine Transformation        must consciously choose thoughts, emotions,
                                                 and actions that reflect their highest nature.
        A fundamental concept of Sri Aurobindo is  This process involves rejecting what no longer
        that, “A spiritual evolution, an evolution of  serves the individual’s spiritual evolution —
        consciousness in Matter in a constant developing  such as attachments, fears, and egoic desires
        self-formation till the form can reveal the  — while cultivating qualities like compassion,
        indwelling spirit, is then the keynote, the central  wisdom, and inner peace. Each moment of life
        significant motive of the terrestrial existence  becomes an opportunity for spiritual growth,
        (3).” This statement signifies that our growth  allowing the individual to express their divine
        as a species is not merely biological but  essence in the material world.
        fundamentally spiritual. According to Sri
        Aurobindo, the evolution of consciousness  In the context of ‘conscious evolution’, Sri
        is the driving-force behind our existence,  Aurobindo emphasised the importance
        guiding us towards higher states of being  of inner purification and the rejection of
        and understanding.                       lower tendencies. This purification allows
                                                 the individual to become a clear channel
        Sri Aurobindo’s vision of Integral Yoga is  for the Divine Will to act through them. As
        deeply rooted in the concept of conscious  the individual progresses in their spiritual
        evolution. His vision extends beyond the  evolution, they increasingly experience the
        traditional spiritual goal of escaping the cycle  unity of all existence, seeing themselves not as
        of birth and death (moksha) to the realisation of  separate beings but as part of a greater whole.
        divinity in life itself. For him, the purpose of  By aligning with this higher consciousness,
        life on Earth is the evolution of consciousness,  one not only liberates oneself from the confines
        where the human experience becomes a critical  of egoic desires but also contributes to the
        stage for consciously participating in one’s  collective evolution of humanity.
        own transformation and the transformation
        of the world.                            This is the ultimate goal of conscious evolution:
                                                 the complete union of matter and spirit, where
        This vision of ‘conscious evolution’ goes beyond  the physical world is no longer a veil hiding
        personal spiritual development. It involves  the Divine, but a vessel through which the
        the ‘active participation’ of individuals in  Divine expresses itself. The transformation
        their own spiritual growth, as well as their  of matter itself, to reveal the face of the spirit,
        contribution to the greater collective evolution  is the true aim of conscious evolution — a
        of humanity. Conscious evolution is a holistic  divinised Earth where spirit and matter coexist
        process that includes the transformation of  harmoniously.

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