Page 16 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 16

Namah                                     Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018

        much friction even when the two speak the  and other personality-type models proposed
        same language; but remaining silent does  by psychologists. Here we can supplement
        not work in all situations. Often the lack of com-  our case studies with fictional and historical
        munication causes more misunderstandings.  characters.
        There is a training called ‘Crucial Conversations’
        where such problems are unravelled. We will  Topic 6 — memory
        learn here to distinguish between ‘your story’
        and ‘my story’. When you interpret someone  We collect our memories from the time we
        else’s action, you create a ‘story’. But you are  are in our mother’s womb. Many of them are
        not sure it is the right one. Often people don’t  not even our own experiences. We see a film,
        doubt their version. So as the first step, we  read a book, listen to someone’s experience
        must doubt it. We can approach the person  and we internalise them. By the time we are
        and tell them ‘our story’ and ask them if this  adults we have quite a pile of them in our
        is correct. They can then share ‘their story’and  conscious, and even more in our subconscious
        if it is different from ours, or if our story is  parts. The bad ones we call baggage, which
        correct, they can explain their action. Again,  we would be glad to lose. Brain scientists
        it helps if both parties are open to discussion,  have tried to find an amnesia pill in vain.
        which means open to change their opinions.  The brain is too smart for us. It distributes
        But of course, one must learn to clap with one  memories all over and even has a back-up
        hand if needed.                          system. So, what if we removed the triggers
                                                 of the unpleasant memories? Although
        Topic 5 — diversity                      medically it is impossible, psychologically
                                                 it is not. If we can identify the triggers and
        We know there is huge diversity in humankind,  replace them with other memories, then we
        but this knowledge is most often theoretical.  would have solved the problem.
        If we ask ourselves honestly, do we allow our
        family members to be different, as much as  But this means reliving the memory and
        say a foreigner? Even in our workplace we  analysing the trigger. This can be hard. Our
        expect people to conform to certain patterns,  vital being relives the situation. We become
        which not surprisingly are just like ours. Again,  the victim again, with all its vulnerabilities.
        this is because our ego feels threatened by  We then talk to ourselves, explaining that
        the unknown. This topic discusses cultural  it felt as bad as it did, because we were too
        diversity, different ethical systems, and  young, or helpless, or did not have the full
        social norms. It also teaches how body  picture, etc. Now we have the advantage
        language, choice of words, intonation, etc.  of hindsight, so it should not hurt as much.
        differ in different regions of the world. We  We have to tell ourselves to ‘let it go’ — not
        will study different personality types from  the memory, but the emotion behind it. We
        sociological and psychological perspectives.  forgive our reactions to it. If there is a party
        There are many models which divide people  to forgive, we do that. If there is a party who
        into different categories. Some of them  we know is ignorant or sadistic, we do not
        are: givers/takers/matchers, multipliers/  give them the power to torture us further.
        diminishers, optimists/realists/pessimists  Self-healing means formulating a mantra such

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