Page 22 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 22
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 2, 15th July 2018
of the disturbing bugs in the mind, our vital with this task:
energy will flow freely in our body and keep
us healthy. Exercise-1: choose what you think
Hence, the major task in healing through Stop often during the day to hear the self-talk that
consciousness is to find the deep-seated is going on inside your mind. Check to see if you
patterns of fear, anxiety, grief, anger, protest, are harbouring negative thoughts, purposeless
depression, etc. in the mind; and then to thoughts or repeating psychological memories.
replace them with the patterns of love,
kindness, joy, peace, harmony, etc. The new If you are doing this, then quickly replace
patterns will create a state of well-being in them with positive thoughts and feelings and,
the mind. And this state will change the if that is difficult, do some physical work to
consciousness in the vital force and cells of distract your attention from them.
the body. And as a result the body will return
to its natural state of health. Your task: choose to think the thoughts you
want and don’t allow the negative thoughts
Live the truth of health to invade your mind and do your thinking.
Accept only those thoughts that incline you
It is important to note that once we lose to be helpful, kind, proper or positive and
our health, restoration doesn’t happen reject everything that is negative.
automatically. We have to live the truth of
health to develop a health consciousness, Exercise-2: follow your intuition
which then restores our health. It is not
enough to change some of our thinking and Daily, ask yourself, “What do I feel (intuitively)
emotional responses; we have to also follow that I must do in my everyday life to maintain my
this up with habits that promote health — like mind and body in a healthy condition?”
a balanced lifestyle, proper diet and eating
habits, restful sleep and regular exercise. Whatever answer or hunch you get, simply
In short, we have to promote our ‘health reinforce it by trying to follow it. When you
consciousness’ and let our actions speak act in this way, you will heal much faster.
louder than our words.
Clean your subconscious
You begin by doing some house-cleaning: First,
you become aware of the negative emotions If you have a chronic health problem, know
and thoughts that habitually arise in your mind. that you are carrying some negative vibrations
Such thoughts create negative vibrations in as emotions in your mind. You cannot restore
your energy-body and depress your vitality. your health without first clearing the negative
Next, you stop giving them your attention. You vibrations. So, if you aren’t sure of what you
can do it conveniently by replacing them in need to do, answer these questions: Do you
your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. frequently over-react in a typical situation?
It will create positive vibrations in your energy- Do you feel the urge to put someone down or to
body and energise your vital-force. Let us begin get even with a person or group? Is there some