Page 21 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 21

Namah                       Heal yourself by changing your consciousness

        When we die, we drop our individualised  The way
        identity from the physical body and also from
        every (inner) plane. However, when we  First we have to believe that there is a healing
        return through a process of reincarnation, we  power within us, which is capable of main-
        bring back the tendencies, beliefs and tone of  taining our mind and body in a healthy condition.
        consciousness we had from our previous life  The malfunctions that arise in our mind and
        on earth. Hence, we have a continuity and  body are the result of negative patterns that
        identity in consciousness.               have been superimposed in our subconscious.
                                                 Unfortunately, we are not sufficiently aware
        The original pure consciousness models  of these negative patterns. Hence, we let them
        all things and assigns them their roles in  influence our actions, disturb our vital force,
        manifested existence. Accordingly, there is  and maintain our bad habits.
        a prototype or original model of the human
        body in consciousness. This prototype is  The usual entities or bugs of illness in our
        perfect and healthy. Then we can ask, “How  subconscious are confusion, sadness, fear,
        does susceptibility to disease and constitutional  greed, resentment, irritation and hostility.
        disorders arise in our body?” They arise largely  However, we can replace these bugs with
        from the defective patterns that we carry in  healing thoughts and healthy beliefs. When
        our mindset. We have inherited some of  we have done that sufficiently, our body will
        them from our previous existence and some  respond to the changes in our consciousness
        of them are the result of our actions in the  and begin to return to its natural state of health.
        present existence. The causes of ailments from
        our present life arise mainly from our faulty  Health is holistic
        lifestyle and eating habits. (These causes were
        examined in articles published in the previous  The human being functions as a whole. Hence,
        July and October issues of NAMAH).       we are never sick in a part, but the part is
                                                 only the place where the ailment has shown
        The causes from our previous existence give  up. It is a mistake to focus on repairing a
        rise to disturbed patterns in our mindset.  part of the body in isolation of the mental
        And these manifest as our ignorance, faulty  mechanism (thoughts and emotions) that
        beliefs, bad habits and negative thinking  has caused the ailment.
        and emotions. They disturb the flow of vital
        energy or praanna in the body, which ultimately  The original or basic model of the human
        give rise to the functional and constitutional  body is healthy. However, it has been disturbed
        disorders in our body.                   by the presence of false beliefs and negative
                                                 emotions that we carry in the mind. What
        However, the good news is that these effects are  happens? First these bugs or entities disturb
        reversible. That is, by making some changes  the vital force (praanna) of the body; and then
        in our belief-system and by cleansing the  the disturbance translates into functional and
        harmful emotions from our subconscious, we  constitutional disorders in the physical body.
        can restore our mental and physical health.  In this way the disturbance in the mind gets
        Here we learn how to do this practically.  objectified as disease in the body. In the absence

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