Page 13 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 13
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
of human nature rather than in its underbelly time before the existential angst will carry
as we now do. Perhaps yoga is a grand us to the promised land beyond the horizons
experiment of Nature undertaken to evolve of struggle and strife, to a haven of safety
the human species into a new superhumanity and splendid peace, to a life where love and
of tomorrow. It did take some 40 million years joy are natural, and error and sorrow and
for dolphins to evolve. We can do it faster and suffering find no place, to an inner world
with much less hazard. Seen thus we may where unity and not division is the way
say that Yoga is essentially an exercise or an of being! What started with a few ‘yogis’
experiment in conscious evolution. here and there, individual freaks or secret
initiate groups, scattered through Space and
Nature has tried many ways and paths for Time may well end up with a new species
the evolution of individual human beings that yet has no name, though we can call it
and of small groups gathered around certain the superhumanity of tomorrow. It is not
Masters. But perhaps the time has come mere chance that man’s imagination is also
now for this individual evolution to take a drifting in that direction and its possibility
definitive step and go beyond the human is beginning to be explored in groups of
formula into the superhumanity of tomorrow. humanity striving for a better tomorrow.
It would mean the emergence of a new
species for whom living in a New and greater Yoga for collective evolution
consciousness, a higher and vaster and more
luminous consciousness will be natural and Perhaps we are entering a new evolutionary
spontaneous and not through the hard and cycle and its impact is being felt in all fields
difficult effort as all genuine yoga requires of human activity. The field of health and
for breaking out of the human limitations psychology is no exception. We meet more
into the freedom of Infinity. The one sign is and more youngsters who are experiencing
that the seeking for yoga has become much an evolutionary angst that is manifesting as
more prominent in the last century or so as various forms of mood disturbances, state
if humanity is tired of the old ways of living of unease, maladaptation, changing social
and is thirsting for the New, a new that is patterns and ‘abnormal’ behaviours that
one with Truth and Vastness and Beauty and challenge the human measures and shatter
Love and Unity and Joy. It may not be able the conventional stereotypes. These are
to always define it. Like the mud-fish all that perhaps the early birds who are awkward
it feels is the suffocation of the river life; like in their gait and have yet to grow wings.
the dolphin ancestors it feels the danger of Or they are like the amphibian with one leg
earthly life where conditions are becoming in water and another on land. They do not
increasingly difficult and is thereby drawn follow the human social conventions but are
near the waters but knows not how to live yet to find the law of another species. They
in it. Perhaps all that is happening today, the feel it vaguely, sometimes sense it in their
sense of doom as if humanity were standing very bones but yet know it not.
on the brink is only to push us towards a new
way of life, a new way of being. We may not All these various forms of abnormality
know it fully now but it is just a matter of which we find, especially the youth of today,