Page 14 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 14

Namah                                  Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018

        vulnerable to, may well be the search for a  methods but more importantly also foresaw
        new normalcy or rather the supernormalcy  the emergence of a new life of humanity, a
        of tomorrow. It is a cry for evolution so to  new light, a new daybreak that will expunge
        speak. What is needed is to understand it and  and annihilate the terrible dreams of the night
        to give it direction and shape, to channelise  that mankind witnessed in the previous few
        it rather than to label and drug it to sleep.  centuries, nightmares of gory wars and mass
        This is not to say that there are no cases of  executions and ethnic cleansing and an utter
        other conventional types of ‘depressions’  depravity of taste and values as if everything
        and ‘schizophrenias’ and perverse forms of  that we once called as human was fading into
        human behaviour. That continues to exist,  some dark abyss. Or was it perhaps returning
        in fact also spikes up as the common ground  with a glorious face with the outbreak of a
        of humanity is lost. We are no more a stable  New Light? This gives a new sense to yoga. It
        human mass, if there ever was one. We  ceases to be something personal, meant only
        are either moving upwards or gravitating  for individual mukti or nirvana, let alone for
        downwards leading to an increase in extreme  one’s own health and fitness, but is emerging
        forms of manifestations. But behind it all  as a means for hastening the collective advance
        one can sense the increasing evolutionary  of mankind. Each individual who breaks free
        pressure to make it or break it; to remake  from the prison-house of humanity and yet
        our humanity into a newer and better and  refuses the lure of dissolution in some beyond,
        diviner mould or to break it so as to give  helps others to break free and arrive at a newer
        way for something else that we yet cannot  mode of living. This means humanity as a large
        conceive or imagine.                     mass gaining an evolutionary momentum
                                                 until it reaches the tipping-point and then the
        The concept of individual evolution through  crucial and critical breakthrough when the
        yogic processes has always been there since  new species arrives!
        antiquity but the idea of conscious collective
        evolution is relatively new. Nirvana is no more  The Evolutionary Energy
        the highest ideal but a change, a transformation
        of earthly life. Mukti in some other-worldly  But what is this Evolutionary Energy that is
        state is no more attractive but as a state of  ever at work in creation, shifting its elements,
        inner Freedom here and now. True, this  bringing out new ones for better adaptation,
        need for inner freedom takes an outer form,  taking away the old ones that are no more
        a thing impossible so long as we remain what  needed for her grand plan? Whatever we
        we are, but behind it all there is a conscious  may say or argue, and there is no end to this
        urge to be free even while we live and act  debate, Nature does seem to work as if it is
        in the world. Though the idea of collective  driven by a Conscious Intelligence that adapts
        evolution through yoga has been hinted in  very well the means to the end. We are unable
        the Vedas, the Upanissads and the Tantra, it  to fathom its intentions since we see things
        has been brought to the forefront in the Gita,  on a small scale of time. Our consciousness
        and has found its fullest justification in Sri  is limited by our own lifespan or of a few
        Aurobindo’s work and vision. He clearly saw  generations this way or that. But when we
        the collapse of the old world, a failure of all its  look through larger spaces of Time we shall

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