Page 34 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 34

Namah                                    Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020

        This is the general background of all yoga.  The Law of Truth
        The fact that yoga has been studied and its
        findings confirmed repeatedly by many  Each religion claims that it has found the
        yogins down the ages of mankind, cutting  law of Truth! But the law of Truth is not
        across barriers of time and space; the fact that  something engraved upon a hard rock for
        its results, findings and discoveries can be  all times to come. Nor is it a human law that
        reproduced by others, provided they follow  works according to human ideas of justice or
        the guidelines and fulfil the conditions (as  moral conceptions of right and wrong. If we
        indeed in all experiments) makes it a science  look closely at nature we shall discover that
        in its own right. Equally the fact that there  she works in an amoral way. Justice there is
        is no single book, no universal code or rule-  but it is not about reward and punishment as
        book, no single Name of the ultimate Mystery,  it is about a constant growth and unfolding.
        no single person who holds all the keys is  What applies for one creature need not
        enough to say that Yoga is as far from religion  apply to another. What works at one stage
        and ideologies as man is from the ape.   of evolution may even become counter-
                                                 productive at another. However no doubt
        In fact religion is very often some kind  there is a fundamental Truth that is ever the
        of an incomplete and imperfect yoga wherein  same, unchanging and immutable behind all
        the founder either lost his way or stopped at  the changes going on in creation.
        some half-way home of the Spirit. Or else a
        religion is born when the Master has gone  But this Truth unfolds itself differently in
        and man steps in with his own limited  different individuals and in different ways,
        ideas, dogmatic beliefs and, in collusion with  even in the same individual in different stages
        the king and the priest, creates a rule-book  of his self-development and evolution. But
        of rituals and common code to maintain  the mind, unable to comprehend this vastness
        their hegemony over the masses. Religion,  and complexity and plasticity with which
        especially an exclusive religion that discards  God works, tends to crystallise everything
        other approaches, is more of a socio-political  into fixed, often narrow and rigid dogmas for
        construct from the dead shell of what once  all to follow. This tendency is seen sometimes
        may have been some kind of a spiritual  even in different paths of yoga, turning it into
        seeking. That is why in India, the land or  a sect if not a religion. Much attention is paid
        the birthplace of yoga, the very way of ideal  to outer details and external actions leading
        life discovered by yoga was given a name  to specialisation and over-specialisation of
        that is at once universal and all-inclusive.  each system.
        It was called Sanatana Dharma, which very
        simply means the eternal Law that governs  What is lost sometimes in this emphasis
        all existence here. Man can align with  on methods and techniques is the core of
        this law as it unfolds in and through  Yoga. This core is aspiration, the original
        the framework of our individual and  seeking with which man started his journey.
        collective existence or he can disregard  Techniques will lead us to a point but we shall
        it and follow whatever course his surface  miss the real thing. We will not go beyond what
        nature suggests.                         we aspire for through whatever technique

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