Page 33 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 33
Yogic insights into human psychology
The essence of yoga
Dr. Alok Pandey
The field of yoga is a fast growing one. Taking advantage of the emerging spiritual evolution in
man, there is a growing number of brands through which yoga is being marketed in neat and
attractive packages. While all this is being done, is it not important to look at what yoga really is?
What is its birthplace? What really makes a process yogic?
Introduction and background one mode of existence to another? Is there
life after death? Can we discover the ultimate
Yoga has been on earth since antiquity. mystery of creation?
Much before man knew anything about
religions and ideologies, much before even They discovered that the fundamental answer
nationalities were born and man wandered to these perennial questions that has vexed
freely across the hills and the forests that humanity for ages, lie within the silent spaces
covered the earth’s brown body with green of man himself. This process of self-discovery as
attire, there were men who were awakened we may call it, was naturally hastened in an age
enough in their thoughts to seek answers to when man had no books, no information at the
some fundamental questions of life. click of a button, not many distractions. Even
the Vedic texts were not there. The Vedic
Some of these questions fundamental to seers themselves refer to the forefathers who
man’s very existence are: Who am I? What went before them and taught the way. Their
is this world we inhabit? How did creation Yoga was transmitted directly from a Master
and humanity emerge? What was there who had undertaken the journey to those who
before the Big Bang of creation? What is were willing to step beyond their humanity
the goal of life, if any? Who or what directs and discover what the senses do not reveal
and governs our thoughts and will and and what the mind and reason do not know.
impulsions? What is death, — is it the end What was needed was the fire of seeking in his
of our existence or merely a brief cessation, burning heart. Man is indeed born with it. In
a pause, a change over as we cross from fact all human beings are born with it.