Page 39 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 39

Namah                       Is Technology a Catalyst in Human Evolution?

        if the human being is acting in ignorance, so  a major step in the direction of conscious
        will these tools. Power without knowledge  living, which goes far beyond living purely
        is a sure tool for destruction and that is what  at the physical-emotional-mental level. As
        we are at the risk of heading towards with the  a human being evolves in this direction,
        new developments in the field of technology,  so does the technology that he creates and
        it is like handing over to a child control that  the way he uses it. Conscious creation and
        is way beyond its abilities and ignorantly  enlightened use of technology are directly
        creating disharmony in the society.      linked to the conscious evolution of human
                                                 consciousness. The integral approach is a
                                                 process of inner self-development by which
                                                 each one who follows it can in time discover
                                                 the One Self in all and evolve to have a
                                                 consciousness higher than the mental; a
                                                 spiritual and supramental consciousness that
                                                 will transform and divinise human nature,
                                                 thereby divinising the world and making it
                                                 a better place to live in.

        Consciousness vs Physicalist World-view

        If there is one thing that is common between
        Science and Spirituality, it is addressing the
        fundamental urge of human beings ‘to
        know’, the urge to progress hidden within
        as an evolutionary impulse that pushes
        man towards perfection. The scientist uses
        physical tools to discover the secrets of the
        physical world; the sage makes an attempt to
        understand and connect with the inner tools  The Human Being — Seen through an
        inherent in a human being to harness the  Integral Lens
        potential of energies present in the universe
        in order to discover the mysteries of existence.  It is no secret that human beings are the latest
                                                 and most complicated product of evolution
        “Consciousness is a fundamental thing, it is the  with a mind which is better developed than
        fundamental thing in existence — it is the energy,  in any other creature so far. But the mind
        the action, the movement of consciousness that  goes only to a certain point and after that
        creates the universe and all that is in it — not  moves in futile circles; it understands through
        only the macrocosm, but the microcosm is nothing  division and is incapable of manifesting the
        but consciousness arranging itself (2).”   highest truth of existence. “In its natural
                                                 state the human mind is always limited in its
        Becoming aware of this Absolute Power, not  vision, narrow in its understanding, rigid in its
        just intellectually but also experientially, is  conceptions, and a constant effort is therefore

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