Page 46 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 46
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
consciousness, moves away from the clutches Aurobindo also explains that rebirth is not a
of attachment and desire. It begins when the burden but a ladder for spiritual ascension, a
psychic being comes out from behind this veil series of opportunities for the soul’s growth
and takes command of human nature, leading (13). The universe, seen as a conscious
it toward its true self — divine Fulfilment. This, energy rather than a mechanical force,
noted by Sri Aurobindo, is the beginning of becomes a medium for the spirit’s unfolding.
a ‘true spiritual life,’ where the psychic Life and evolution thus acquire a profound
being makes all the instruments ready significance, as they are the means by which
for the higher evolution of the manifested the spirit gradually expresses its infinite
consciousness, surpassing the mental human potential. This evolutionary process, through
being. Additionally, Sri Aurobindo states constant rebirth, allows the soul to evolve,
that the psychic being is always present in creating a more meaningful existence.
the ordinary consciousness, but is usually
not developed. Even if it is developed, it is While rebirth may initially seem like a
not yet sufficiently developed to express itself mere hypothesis, it offers a more coherent
in action. However, through various rebirths, explanation of life’s purpose, compared to
this new birth “....grows in consciousness other religious or materialist views. The
through Godward experience, gaining strength truth of this process depends on spiritual
every time there is a higher movement in us experience, and it challenges us to consider
(11). Finally, through the accumulation of whether one's human potential can lead
these deeper and higher movements, a to a higher state of being. Ultimately, the
psychic individuality is developed. Rebirth, significance of rebirth lies in understanding
in this case, becomes an inevitable reality, its role in the ongoing evolution of the
as until the mental human has moved on soul and the realisation of a greater spiritual
to the rung of the spiritual and finally the destiny.
supramental evolution, it cannot cease
from taking birth. References
This is further elaborated and explained 1. Irish Legends, Myths and Gods, Celtic Times
in the section ’The Psychic Being and the [Online] Available from: https://www.celtictitles.
Progression from Life to Life’: com/blog/irish-legends-myths-and-gods/
[Accessed 6 December, 2024].
“It is not the naked spirit, but the psychic
being that goes to the psychic plane to rest 2. Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri
till it is called again to another life. There is Aurobindo, Volume 17. Pondicherry: Sri
therefore no need of a Force to compel it to take Aurobindo Ashram Trust; 2003.
birth anew. It is in its nature something that
is put forth from the Divine to support the 3. AuroBharati. The World Beyond: From Chandogya
evolution and it must do so till the Divine’s Upanishsad, 5.3-10. [Online]
purpose in its evolution is accomplished (12).” in. Available from:
in/stories/the-world-beyond. [Accessed 12
In the chapter, ’The Problem of Rebirth’, Sri Nov. 2024].