Page 41 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 41

Namah                       Is Technology a Catalyst in Human Evolution?

        threat to our very survival. That is something  Conclusion
        which needs to be seriously questioned. The
        freedom which we experience in the name  The purpose of this article is not to just point
        of individualisation is nothing but slavery  out the flaws of technology, Technology has
        to our senses.                           enormous benefits, especially in the areas of
                                                 healthcare and education, the two fundamental
        Our need to be seen, heard, and acknowledged  pillars of human resource development in any
        is so well captured by the personalised auto-  society. Technology that is building tools for
        suggestions on our gadgets that we fail to  sustainable development, healthy living, and
        see ourselves turning into puppets in the  inspiring humanity to take a step towards
        hands of the world that is creating the need  conscious living is among the positive
        for products we don’t need, and don’t even  aspects of these developments. Technological
        know why we want them. The basics that  developments in the field of education have
        emerged out of the need for survival, and  made tremendous contributions in the form of
        communication, have now given way to a  active learning mechanisms and the process
        fear-based society which is always left with  of procuring resources has never been easier.
        the feeling of scarcity and insecurity. Has the  Online education, which has been growing
        accessibility, which is a gift of technology,  at an exponential rate since 2020 has made
        made our lives easier or taken us far from  it possible to have educational institutions
        our ability to find answers, exercise our  without brick-and-mortar walls, and
        brains, and be more authentic and real in  geographical barriers. Students in any part of
        our interactions? Is it not driving us more  the world can learn from the best of teachers
        and more towards an individualistic and  in the world at very little cost or no cost at all.
        capitalistic society where the only lens to view  This has shifted the focus in education from
        the world is transactional? We have no time,  teachers and institutions to the students. A
        knowledge, and faith in human potential to  student can choose to learn what she wants
        connect with the transcendental aspects of  to learn, choose from whom she wants to
        life and thereby become more and more self-  learn it, and learn at her own pace. This is
        reliant. Instead, we have become more and  truly a student-centred education, education
        more technology-dependent for the socio-  as it should be. Student-centred learning has
        emotional exchanges. These are the issues  received unending lip-service so far, but its
        that need reflection.                    implementation has been grossly limited
                                                 due to the limitations of institution-based
                                                 education. Online education has knocked that
                                                 limitation out in one stroke by de-schooling

                                                 When the intention is in place, sooner or later
                                                 we do reach our goal, and that is the reason
                                                 it is crucial at this stage of development
                                                 that humanity wakes up from its slumber
                                                 and makes technological development

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