Page 50 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 50
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
the divine consciousness to manifest. Matter
itself becomes divinised, revealing the face of
the spirit. This is the ‘divine transformation’
that Sri Aurobindo speaks of again in Savitri:
“A divine force shall flow through tissue and cell
And take the charge of breath and speech and
act…. (2)”
In this future reality, human life on Earth is
no longer defined by the conflict between Know Thyself: the Foundation of Trans-
the spiritual and the material. Instead, every formation
aspect of life becomes an expression of the
Divine. The physical body, the mind, the The ancient adage, ‘Know Thyself’ serves as
emotions and the actions are all transformed, a cornerstone in Sri Aurobindo’s spiritual
allowing the divine consciousness to fully philosophy. It represents not merely an
manifest in the material world. intellectual understanding of oneself, but a
deeper, more profound realisation of the soul’s
This transformation is not only personal divinity. For Sri Aurobindo, the goal of human
but also collective. As more individuals life is not simply to rise above the material world
engage in conscious evolution, the collective but to transform it by realising the divine within
consciousness of humanity will rise, leading oneself and within all creation.
to the emergence of a new world order based
on truth, beauty, and goodness. Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo explains that knowing oneself
believed that this divine transformation is the is a dynamic and continuous process. In
true destiny of humanity, and that through the process of ‘knowing oneself’, one also
conscious evolution, we can bring about the realises that the ego, with its desires, fears,
manifestation of a divinised Earth. and attachments, is a limitation rather than
a true representation of who we are. The
In this new paradigm, liberation is not an ego acts as a veil, obscuring the individual’s
escape from the material world but a complete higher self and divine nature. It involves
transformation of it. The individual, by ongoing self-exploration, self-mastery, and
‘Eknowing oneself’ and participating in self-purification.
conscious evolution, becomes a co-creator
with the Divine, working to bring about As we grow in self-awareness, we begin to see
the divine life on Earth. Through Tapasya that the Divine is not something external to us
(spiritual discipline), surrender, and the but is present in every aspect of our being, that
intentional evolution of consciousness, the human being is not an isolated fragment
individuals contribute not only to their own but a reflection of the Divine, interconnected
liberation but to the divine transformation of with all existence. This realisation becomes
the entire world. the foundation of true liberation — liberation
from the limitations of the ego and the illusion