Page 42 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
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Namah                                  Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025

        a conscious collaborator in the process of  References
        emancipation from the grip of ignorance. “...
        Advancing Knowledge should base herself on   1.  Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri
        a clear, pure, and disciplined intellect (4).” We   Aurobindo., Volume 21-22. Pondicherry: Sri
        are engaging with technology in ignorance   Aurobindo Ashram Trust; 2005, p. 714.
        and then wondering from the vantage point
        of knowledge what has gone wrong. The    2.  Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 28;
        crux is that human beings have to evolve to   2012, p. 22.
        a point to be capable of creating something
        which is based in Knowledge, and used with   3.  The Mother. The Collected Works of the Mother,
        that Knowledge. True Consciousness is True   Volume 12. 2  ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
        Power.                                      Ashram Trust; 2002, p. 5.

        In conclusion, technology can do wonders   4.  Sri Aurobindo. Complete Works, Volume 21-22,
        and help humanity realise its potential, but   p. 13.
        only when it becomes a conscious collaborator,
        aligned with the inner certitude and free from   5.  The Mother. Collected Works, Volume 12,
        the clutches of desires and demands rooted   p. 495.
        in ignorance. “Nothing but a radical change
        of consciousness can deliver the world from its  Bibliography
        present obscurity (5).”  That is what the world
        needs today, it is only when human beings,  Kaul A. Examining the Evolving Relationship
        the creators of technology, station themselves  between Technology and Humanity: An
        in a higher consciousness that their creation  Integral Approach. (In) Eds. Kozhamthadam
        will contribute to the genuine development  J, Jayard S. Artificial Intelligence and the Future
        of the world, a truly better world, a world  of Humanity.  Delhi: IISR; 2024, pp. 38-44.
        in which the human race manifests divine
        love more fully and on a scale much wider
        than it has ever done so far. A meaningful
        response to the call lies not in throwing away
        technological advancement in recent times;
        that is neither possible nor desirable. What
        we need to do is, to make conscious choices
        while applying the technological advances.
        These choices should be driven neither by
        pleasures nor by personal profit but by the
        highest reaches of our consciousness, thus
        widening our frontiers to realise the constant
        human aspiration for God, Light, Freedom
        and Immortality.
        Dr. Aditi Kaul, now based in Pondicherry, is a proponent of Integral Yoga Psychology, offering courses
                    and workshops rooted in the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

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