Page 31 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 31

Namah                       Cancer: a chance to recognise the disharmony...

        state, I instantly connected with the Rain of the  feel that faith in the body that ‘All is taken care
        ever-present Grace. Whatever resistances where  of.’ That intense experience made me drop my
        there, they had to be let go of, and I needed to  fear of undergoing the two surgeries that were
        become porous to absorb this Grace, that was  now required in order to be well. I had the most
        ever-present in abundance. I remember how  wonderful and spiritual time in the hospital
        I felt completely soaked in that Rain of Grace  during those two surgeries. I had humour and
        and as if absorbing it in my cells, and thereby  a strong divine connection to sledge me ahead
        removing the fear and anxiety and restlessness  during that seemingly challenging phase.
        by an overflow of the Rain of Grace.
                                                 Stillness and surrender

                                                 “Peace and stillness are the great remedy for
                                                 disease. When we can bring peace in our cells
                                                 we are cured.

                                                 “Catch hold of a peace deep within and push it
                                                 into the cells of the body. With peace will come
                                                 back health. Any agitation, any narrowness
                                                 prolongs the illness (6).”

        This and one other experience with my mentor,  Having touched upon something very peaceful,
        told me surely that this was the way to go  which felt like a part of me and yet not a part of
        forward.                                 me at the same time, I have held on to it as a
                                                 lifelong commitment. For a regular terminology, I
        “The first contact with inner joy, inner beauty,  refer to this as ‘unconditional love towards oneself,
        the inner light, the first contact with that, which  or maintaining one’s Inner Sanctity, my sole
        suddenly makes you feel, ‘Oh! That is what I  priority in life is being a vigilant guard to my
        want,’ you must cultivate it, never forget it, hold  inner peace and nothing else.
        it constantly before you, tell yourself, ‘If I have felt
        it once, so I can feel it again.’ And encourage the  Somehow there was a deep knowing that I
        body to seek it, with the confidence that it carries  ought to reside in that stillness, that peace
        the possibility within itself and that if it calls for  that I had had a glimpse of. If I could feel
        it, it will come back, it will be realised again (4).”  it once, I can feel it more often and thereby
                                                 increase the time I spend under its umbrella.
        “If one takes care not to pervert it, the body  For it centred me, saved my energy from
        carries within itself the certitude of victory.  dissipating through the outbound senses. It
        Cultivate this certitude instead of destroying  also gave me insights, many of which I would
        it. The body carries within itself the sense of  forget when I came out of that state if I hadn’t
        its divinity. This is what you must try to find  noted them down in the first place.
        again in yourself if you have lost it (5).”
                                                 “Do not love your ill health and the ill health
        Since that experience, it has been a practice to  will leave you (7)”

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