Page 40 - NAMAH-Jan-2025
P. 40
Namah Vol. 32, Issue 4, 15th January 2025
needed to widen it, to make it more supple Evolving Relationship between Technology
and profound (3).” The ancient psychological and the Human Being
discipline given in scriptures such as the
Gītaa is a potential solution for a man to The fundamental purpose of any technological
uproot himself from an ignorant state of being development is to make human living better.
and get anchored to the ever-present inner Replacing manual work hours put into
guidance. The psychological existence mechanical and repetitive work, and that
of human beings is not just limited to the too while retaining and improving upon the
mind, it is also accompanied by desires, precision possible manually, is the best gift
emotions, imaginations, power, and their that technology has given us. But today,
impact on the physical being. All of them this technology is not just limited to making
combined constitute the surface nature our functioning in the physical world
(outer nature) of human beings. Behind easier, but it has entered our subconscious
this surface nature is hidden the true inner being by hijacking the mental-emotional
being that holds the potential to connect space which is primarily desire-driven. The
with the universal force that guides us Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma is
toward our true purpose. This surface a great resource to understand how pattern
nature is a product of evolution thus far predictions, choice of certain colours for
and is governed by the principles present notification, and different ways of continuous
in nature. The physical component of our engagement with our gadgets have become
outer personality works on the principle the new normal. Our process of self-discovery
of self-preservation (we have a built-in has totally turned outward and disconnected
system to remove our hands from a hot from the source within. The purpose of
plate and not go beyond a certain point making our physical life easy was to live
in the sea). The vital components (desires, wholly, not to get stuck in the dark abyss of
emotions, powers) work on the principle information subliminally, thereby making us
of self-satisfaction (the irresistible cravings, feel weak and incompetent, and thus creating
the pain of separation) and the mind that dependency on the flashy and fancy things
seeks understanding (the what, why and available in the outer world. This is far from
how of everything). All this represents the vision our ancient seers had for the world.
the functionality aspect of our life that In fact, the technological advances mentioned
connects us to the outer world, the world in our scriptures were in harmony with the
around us. All these are tools that need requirements of that time and were conscious
perfection to work in the world; error collaborators on the path of true development,
creeps in when the functionality is hijacked not overpowered by the surface personality
by the outer forces (technology), which but aligned and anchored to the inner
disconnects the tools from the super-tool conscious source. Technology, which arose
within. An intense labour of purification out from the need for the physical to be taken
and unification is required to bring the care of, has been captured by greed, and the
outer under the influence of the inner vital power, something which was intended
guidance. to make our survival better has become a