Page 19 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 19
Namah An Emotional Literacy Programme
vulnerability here. It could be a bitter pill of the ways our human ancestors thrived,
for children because some of their idols will recycled, re-used, and created well-being. We
be demolished. But it is better to know the will figure out how some lifestyle choices can
truth than live in a fantasy world. And with be modified to be ecologically compassionate.
knowing the truth a child can process true Modern cultures around the world have
worth in an unbiased way, and can take on brainstormed new ways to deal with env-
new role models. ironment depredation. We will learn these
and adapt whatever works for us. An idea
This lesson will teach children that adults have is to form vigilante/working groups that
not solved all the problems. That sometimes concentrate on one project.
they fake heroism to keep the children from
knowing their weaknesses. The child will Conclusion
be taught to see their brighter side, to love
them despite their weaknesses. They will be Every batch sets its own pace, and decides
taught about parental constraints, of money how much they want to dwell on each topic.
and time, for example. Films and books can The order of topics can be changed. Some can
be used to add to personal experiences of the be split up and revisited. More topics can be
children. It also helps to make the subject less added as the participants see fit. Participants
personal and painful. can leave in between and return. Each one
has to follow their own priorities and set their
Topic 11 — ecological compassion own cadences. Psychologists and counsellors
will conduct the programme, and in addition
Here we will learn about respecting nature, her they will train new facilitators. Counsellors
limited resources and her survival techniques. will be available to deal with individual
This will include celebrating diversity. We cases. Together we can create a harmonious
will see how different pre-modern cultures community, and a family of harmonious
venerated the earth. We will re-learn some communities.
Lopa Mukherjee is a writer and documentary maker of educational and spiritual topics, and is a
psychology student in San Francisco, California.